Progressively Type-II Right Censored Order Statistics from Hjorth Distribution and Related Inference

  • NARINDER PUSHKARNA Ramjas college, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India.
  • JAGDISH SARAN Department of Statistics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India.
  • KANIKA VERMA Department of Statistics, University of Delhi, Delhi-110007, India.
Keywords: Progressive Type-II censored order statistics, Hjorth distribution, single moments, product moments, recurrence relations, best linear unbiased estimators, best linear unbiased predictors


In this paper some recurrence relations satisfied by single and product moments of progressive Type-II right censored order statistics from Hjorth distribution have been obtained. Then we use these results to compute the moments for all sample sizes and all censoring schemes (R1,R2,...,Rm),m ≤ n, which allow us to obtain BLUEs of location and scale parameters based on progressive type-II right censored samples.


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How to Cite
PUSHKARNA, N., SARAN, J., & VERMA, K. (2020). Progressively Type-II Right Censored Order Statistics from Hjorth Distribution and Related Inference. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 8(2), 481-498.
Research Articles