Applying Bayesian Decision Theory in RBF Neural Network to Improve Network precision in Data Classification

  • Nader Rezazadeh Department of Computer / Science and Research Branch of, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Keywords: Bayesian decision theory, Neural network, RBF neural network


One of the common tools used for classification of data is RBF neural network. The lack of connectivity of features in each layer in the structure of neural networks such as the RBF neural network causes the values of the features to not be multiplied, and the action and dependency of the values of a feature on other features not to be considered in the classification or regression process. The most important reason for the lack of connectivity among the features can be considered as the problem of learning weights. This research tries to use the multiplication of values of event probability of features to improve the efficiency of data classification in the RBF neural network based on the reasons mentioned above through classification style in the Bayesian decision theory.  Moreover, the linear weight coefficients at the final layer of the RBF neural network are used to determine the importance of the feature event in the final decision. This research tries to use the capabilities of the RBF neural network in assigning event probabilities to the values of input features based on data centers. The presence of linear weight in the final layer makes learning weights improve the classification. Empirical experiments show good results.


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Data set Del or no Deal, persistentId=hdl%3A1902.1/13633, [On Line Available]

Dataset Student Performance,,[On Line Available]

How to Cite
Rezazadeh, N. (2018). Applying Bayesian Decision Theory in RBF Neural Network to Improve Network precision in Data Classification. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 6(4), 588-599.
Research Articles