Bayesian Estimation of the Odd Lindley Exponentiated Exponential Distribution : Applications in-Reliability

  • Nour El houda Djemoui Probability Statistics laboratory, University Badji Mokhtar annaba
  • Assia Chadli Probability Statistics laboratory, University Badji Mokhtar annaba
  • Ilhem Merah Probability Statistics laboratory, National higher school Mining And Metallurgy Annaba
Keywords: Reliability, Estimation, Bayesian analysis, Simulations, Monte Carlo Methods.


         In this work, we investigate the estimation of the unknown parameters and the reliability characteristics ofthe Odd Lindley Exponentiated Exponential distribution. The Bayes estimators and corresponding risks are derived usingvarious loss functions with complete data and a gamma prior distribution. A simulation study was carried out to calculate allthe results. We used Pitman’s closeness criterion and the integrated mean squared error to compare the performance of theBayesian and maximum likelihood estimators. Finally, we illustrate our techniques by analysing a real-life data set.


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How to Cite
Djemoui, N. E. houda, Chadli, A., & Merah, I. (2024). Bayesian Estimation of the Odd Lindley Exponentiated Exponential Distribution : Applications in-Reliability. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 12(2), 418-431.
Research Articles