A Weighted-path Following Interior-point Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Optimization Based on Modified Search Directions

  • Nouha Moussaoui university of setif 1
  • Mohamed Achache Université Ferhat Abbas de Sétif 1
Keywords: Convex quadratic optimization, Interior-point methods, Short-step method, Polynomial complexity


Getting a perfectly centered initial point for feasible path-following interior-point algorithms is a hard practical task. Therefore, it is worth to analyze other cases when the starting point is not necessarily centered. In this paper, we propose a short-step weighted-path following interior-point algorithm (IPA) for solving convex quadratic optimization (CQO). The latter is based on a modified search direction which is obtained by the technique of algebraically equivalent transformation (AET) introduced by a new univariate function to the Newton system which defines the weighted-path. At each iteration, the algorithm uses only full-Newton steps and the strategy of the central-path for tracing approximately the weighted-path. We show that the algorithm is well-defined and converges locally quadratically to an optimal solution of CQO. Moreover, we obtain the currently best known iteration bound, namely, $\mathcal{O}\left(\sqrt{n}\log \dfrac{n}{\epsilon}\right)$ which is as good as the bound for linear optimization analogue. Some numerical results are given to evaluate the efffficiency of the algorithm.


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How to Cite
Moussaoui, N., & Achache, M. (2022). A Weighted-path Following Interior-point Algorithm for Convex Quadratic Optimization Based on Modified Search Directions. Statistics, Optimization & Information Computing, 10(3), 873-889. https://doi.org/10.19139/soic-2310-5070-1385
Research Articles